Friday, March 13, 2009

Our first fracture...

So, for those of you who don't know, Brady hates doctors, dentists, nurses and basically anyone who he can identify as people that might poke at him or give him a shot. So today, he was playing on the trampoline and was trying to get off while someone else was trying to get on, bada bing, bada boom, hits his shoulder really hard on the ground.

He came in the house crying and complaining of pain in his shoulder. Just for some reference, Brady hurts himself daily. It's usually pretty dramatic, but is over within a couple of minutes unless someone new comes over and he has to retell the ordeal complete with tears.

So 15 minutes later, he was in the living room playing a video game by himself, and he was just whimpering because of pain. So Keli and I went out there and he quickly tried to hide the pain because of course pain means he has to go to the doctor. So we talked him in to walking up to Melissa's house (his pediatrician is one of our neighbors) to check it out.

She looked at it, despite Brady's screaming and complaining and said we ought to go and get it x-rayed. First pictures.

So he thought the lights were pretty cool and he loved that the guy had this remote control that allowed him to move the camera and adjust where the light was.

So this might be the only doctor Brady has liked. The fact that he never poked him probably helped.

There was a little bit of a scared look here. So afterwards, they showed him the x-rays and he thought it was pretty cool that you could see his bones, but it seemed to also freak him out a little bit.

After the doctors reviewed, it was a clavicle (sp?) fracture. So he's all slinged up.

Here is our life for the next 3-4 weeks. Should be pretty fun.

1 comment:

Jenny Kapp said...

Poor Brady! Way to be tough! Better than a cast that can't get wet though! Good luck with that one!