Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sad Day

Today is a bitter sweet day for me.  My Grandma Darrington passed away this morning.  She has been really struggling for the last few weeks so I am very glad that she is not in pain any longer and that her body has been restored.  She was such a strong women so it was very hard to see her so weak.  She also is with my grandpa who died about 16 years ago.  I am very grateful for the knowledge of the gospel n our live this would be much harder without that knowledge of eternal families.    I know within a couple of hours of being in heaven she started gardening because that gave the her greatest pleasure.  She also can watch all the BYU sports she wants I'm sure her and grandpa have prime seating for all the events.  I love her and she will be greatly missed.

1 comment:

Jenny Kapp said...

So sorry to hear about your grandma. I am sure she is so happy to be back with your grandpa. Tell your family I am sorry for their loss!