Friday, April 11, 2008

Mr. Mom

So Keli went to St. George for a few days with her mom and grandma and I've been home. I was trying to work today and then I realized it was very quiet. I feared the worst, but this is what I found.

They're all in our bed watching TV and Brady is out. The funny thing is, Lilly couldn't have gotten up their herself so someone hoisted her up. At the end of the day, it's nice that they just chill on the day's that Daddy's home with them.


Jenny Kapp said...

Wow Jared, you must be living more righteously than I would have thought! Kudos good daddy! Extra for letting Keli have a few days off! I hope the rest of the time goes by with more of that luck!

Brittany said...

Yeah....I'm so glad that you guys have a blog. I'm so excited. I love seeing what is going on with everyone since I miss everything. You kids are so cute and I love the cake, very impressed with your skills.

*Lisa* said...

They are so cute all snuggled together. I want to squish and hug them.