Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas and the other stuff I have not posted

Here are some pictures of the stuff we have been doing the last two months. It has been very busy for me and my family but that keeps us out of trouble (kind of). We have had two birthdays, gone the the lights at the zoo, had programs for preschool and last but not least Christmas. I hope everyone had a very merry christmas!!! Enjoy the pictures.

2 comments: said...

Santa was very good to the children at x-mas. Everyone was having a rally great christmas.
Looking forward to seeing more photo of them. Grandmadee. aka. leoladi65

Jill said...

I have to say I see some future McDonalds workers on our hands! I can almost taste the free ice cream cones now!! Looks like you had an awesome Christmas...I missed you!!