So about a month ago, Jackson came over first thing one morning and asked if I would take him up to the Y. He and I had hiked it once with the scouts and he thought it would be cool to go again. Keli was out of town and so Jessie came and watched the girls and Brady, Big Parker, Jackson and I were off.
Have to say, it was awesome. Those 3 boys are hilarious. I really doubted that Brady would have enough gas in the tank to make it clear to the top, and I was right, but Big Parker ended up taking Brady about the last fourth of the hike on his back.
Anyway, good times and hilarious pictures and I topped it all off by ruining their dinners with some delicious ice cream at the creamery. Enjoy!
P.S. In case you were wondering, Brady asks me everyday, "Dad, remember that time we hiked to the letter?" I always tell him it's the Y, he repeats, "Oh the Y," then next time asks, "Dad, remember that time we hiked to the letter?"